In today’s world where technologically has made the advancements that it has, where people are discovering if there is life on other planets and self-driving cars are being introduced, the field of education has experienced tremendous changes as well.That is because a new concept ‘online learning’ has been introduced over the past few years which has left people in awe.
Traditional Classrooms to the Digital Age
It is astonishing to think about how even as early as 20 years ago, no one would have thought that a time would come where people would be able to complete their college degrees online, receive tuitions online, or enroll in online courses which are curated by expert tutors who would just be a click away. However, technological advancements coupled with the shutdown of physical learning facilities like schools and colleges due to the Covid pandemic, changed the landscape of education and shifted education from being provided in a completely physical setting, to being more open to a hybrid (combination of online and physical learning) or completely online way of learning.
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Just like websites are now offering online tuitions and courses for numerous subjects, live match classes are being conducted online as well. Thus, providing students with ample opportunities to combat challenges in any subject, even combatting the complex theories in a subject like math, from the comfort of their own homes.
Thus, it is important to keep an open mind regarding the numerous benefits that the online way of learning entails. For instance, it is crucial that parents and students realize that live online classes would make students more comfortable than physical classes because they would be saved from the physical effort of going to class which may be challenging if they are juggling school with extra curricular activities like partaking in voluntary work or internships. Thus, they could save their physical energy by opting for live classes, which they would be able to access at home. Moreover, live online classes are also cost-effective as the cost of commuting by car or bus is eliminated.
Not just that, but enrolling in live online classes also allows students to choose from a wide variety of tutors online i.e they have access to math tutors from all around the globe from countries like China and US, which they would not have been able to access if they took physical tuitions in their city.
Enhancing Learning Through Personalized Online Math Classes
Then, live online math classes also foster personalized learning experiences. This means that since online classes are usually small in size, they allow students to get a chance to personally interact with the instructor and receive individual attention. This individual attention would then be beneficial for them as it would make them feel more comfortable about clearing out any concepts they struggle with with their instructor, which they may be shy regarding if they have to ask questions in a physical class for instance.
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However, both the parents and students may be concerned about the level of interactiveness between the students and teachers in online classes. However, resources like screen-sharing during live classes and having access to digital tools like virtual whiteboards and having the access to unmute themselves and interject whenever they encounter a conceptual problem, allows students and teachers to interact with each other in an effective manner. This collaborative environment then cultivates critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and effective communication in students which are all essential skills for excelling not only in mathematics, but in other areas of our lives as well.
Benefits of Online Math Classes
Additionally, online math classes also encourage self-discipline and independent learning. That is because students are responsible for taking their class and completing the tasks assigned by instructors. This is different from physical classes because in physical classes, parents may be more involved as they may be responsible for the commute of their children. However, online classes place the responsibility of attending classes in an effective way on the students. This teaches students the importance of responsibility and fosters independence in them as well which are both very important skills to acquire as they help students academically and professionally as well.
Then, since online live classes have the option to be recorded and referred to later when needed, that is also beneficial for students because if they struggle with a specific topic, algebra for instance, then they could listen to the recorded online lecture and solve their queries in a timely manner, without waiting for the next physical class by which they may even forget the areas and questions they struggled with.
Moreover, some live online classes provide flexibility to students which allows them to understand the material and concepts at their own pace. This is again beneficial for students as they would not be pressurized to learn a concept in a specific time period but rather, can take it slow which could positively impact their understanding of the concept.

To conclude, incorporating technology into mathematical education is beneficial for students in various ways as it stimulates creativity and innovation in students, teaches them to be responsible, and saves them from the cost of commuting as well. Thus, providing benefits while simultaneously preparing them for the future i.e the digital age by teaching them how to navigate in a digital environment.
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So, if students struggle with any mathematical concepts, they should seek additional help to improve their conceptual understanding. For instance, by enrolling in specific online courses which focus on the areas they struggle with.

1. Can students collaborate with their peers in live online math classes?
Yes, students can collaborate with their peers in live online math classes. That is because resources like virtual whiteboards, screen sharing, access to microphones and cameras, and group discussions allow students to solve problems together, exchange ideas, and learn from each other’s perspectives which could benefit the understanding of the students.
2. Do live online math classes offer access to highly qualified instructors?
Yes, live online math classes provide access to a wide range of highly qualified instructors, including industry professionals, experienced tutors, and renowned mathematicians. Hence, students can benefit from their expertise and diverse teaching styles from a click of a button.
3. Can live online math classes help develop essential skills beyond mathematics?
Yes, live online math classes promote essential skills such as self-discipline, time management, organization, responsibility, and self-motivation. These skills are not only beneficial for mathematical skills and concepts but are transferable to various other aspects of life as well, contributing to overall personal and academic growth.
4. How do students receive feedback and assessments in live online math classes?
Live online math classes often provide instant feedback through digital platforms. For instance, instructors can review students’ work in real-time, offer guidance, and assess the progress of students by conducting in- class quizzes, handing out assignments, and holding interactive discussions with the students.
5. Are live online math classes suitable for students of all ages and levels?
Yes, live online math classes cater to students of all ages and levels, from elementary to advanced mathematics ranging from topics like counting numbers to derivatives and permutation and combination as well. Various websites have the option where students can choose courses which are relevant to their age and the grade they are enrolled in, keeping their learning needs in mind.