Have you ever appeared for a math exam and as soon as you saw the first question, you felt that your heart started beating very fast or that your palms got sweaty? This can be due to various reasons. For instance, feeling anxious because you feel that you haven’t prepared well or maybe you struggle with math already so appearing for the exam could make you even more anxious about it. Thus, resulting in sweating and having a fast heartbeat along with feeling mentally stressed.
If you are one of those people or know someone who feels this way about math, this article is going to be beneficial for you as it contains some tips that could help you ace your math exams by learning and studying them effectively.

Here are some tips that could help students who struggle with math:
- Practice
Practice is an essential part of subjects like math. If someone struggles with mathematical equations, setting aside a specific amount of hours per week can help students effectively understand mathematical concepts and questions. That is because for instance, if students struggle with trigonometry if they understand the concept and then attempt various questions regarding it, there is a high chance that students will gain a good understanding of trigonometry.
- Understand concepts
The reason that most students struggle with math is because they do not understand the basic concept of a certain topic. For instance, students may not have a good and basic understanding of division in their early academic years which could then impact their understanding of long division in advanced-level classes. Thus, the first step to conquering math anxiety is to understand the concept on a deeper level. That is because if the students are well-versed in the concepts, then they can easily solve the questions regarding the topic.
- Ask for help
Many students shy away from asking for help because they feel that they would be ridiculed. However, students must learn to not take ridicule seriously and focus on the end goal, i.e. gaining an understanding of the mathematical concerts. Hence, students should not shy away from asking questions in class. However, if they still do not feel comfortable, there are various websites which provide online tuition to those struggling with math. This way, students wouldn’t feel embarrassed and can learn math from the comfort of their own homes.
- Use visual aids
Some students find plain text and equations quite boring which then impacts their concentration as they find it difficult to concentrate on plain text and equations. Thus, a way to counter this problem is by using visual aids for understanding mathematical concepts and questions. For instance, by looking at graphical solutions to any math problems, or looking at pictures relevant to the topic. Presentations regarding a certain topic or Youtube videos may also serve as visual aids which could be helpful and more engaging for students.

- Take breaks
This is one strategy which is often overlooked by students because they feel that since they lack in a certain subject or topic, they need to give it extra attention by investing extra hours. Now even though giving extra hours should be the approach, students focus solely on investing extra hours without taking breaks. This then leads to burnout in students as they do not allow themselves to take breaks which are necessary for the body to keep functioning according to the optimal level. Thus, students must schedule their studying sessions in a way which incorporates breaks as well so they can relax and effectively prepare for their exams.
- Revise
If students understand the concept and attempt the questions, but only do this for a few days and do not revise the concepts regularly, they are not going to gain a deeper understanding of the subject or content. That is because subjects like math require constant practice and revision. Thus, students must revise the mathematical concepts over and over again, along with solving various questions on the topic so they do not forget important details about the topic.
- Collaborate with peers
Collaborating with peers is a good way of understanding mathematical concepts and questions. That is because often in schools, students divide the topics amongst themselves to make it easier to retain information regarding certain subjects. This is helpful because it reduces the workload of students. Moreover, students understand the concepts and share their understanding, which makes the concept simpler than how an instructor would teach the topic. Thus, collaborating with peers regarding course material is one way which could enhance the understanding of students regarding mathematical concepts.
- Stay Motivated
When students struggle with a certain subject or topic, they find it hard to stay motivated or motivate themselves. Hence, the first step to conquering a difficult subject or topic is to motivate students by encouraging them and this can be done by instilling confidence in them. Family members and peers can assure students that with relevant practice and understanding, they can score well in any math exam. Moreover, students can motivate themselves by setting a reward for themselves for understanding a concept and attempting questions. For instance, rewarding themselves for getting 5 algebraic equations correct. The reward does not have to be quite big and can also be as small as treating themselves to a chocolate bar for getting those questions right. Thus, peers and family members must motivate students who struggle with math, along with the students motivating themselves.
- Break them down
If students struggle with math and encounter a math problem or question, they get anxious about it. This anxiousness can then greatly negatively impact their performance. Thus, one way to relax the student is by breaking down the problem. This means for instance if there is a math word problem which needs to be solved, one way to address that problem is by reading the question 1-3 times. After that, the student can highlight the keywords of the question. Then, the student can break the question into parts and address those parts one by one. This technique ensures that the student does not get overwhelmed by the question and rather, can solve it in a systematic and relaxed manner.
- Have fun
Some students struggle with mathematics because they feel that the concepts and questions are quite complex. However, one way to address this complexity is by solving math questions in the format of a game. For instance, practically demonstrating what the word problem or question is asking about. For instance, if the word problem is about the speed of a car, the student can practically assess the question by sitting in the car and trying the question out themselves. Moreover, there are many math games available online as well which may make the mathematical concept and questions seem easier. Thus, addressing mathematical problems in a game-based format would engage students and perhaps, aid their understanding. To conclude, mathematics can be a tricky subject for some students and they might struggle with it as well. However, with the relevant help of websites, online tutors, and online courses, as well as trying out the strategies and techniques mentioned above, students can improve their mathematical skills and gain a better understanding of the subject as well.
- What are some common mistakes that students make in math exams, and how can these mistakes be avoided?
Students often rush through the questions without understanding them properly. This then leads to them misinterpreting the question and answering it incorrectly. Thus, students should take their time in reading and understanding the question before answering it. Moreover, they should re-read the question and their answer to check and identify if they have made any mistakes.
- How can I prepare effectively for a math exam, especially if I struggle with certain topics or concepts?
If you want to prepare effectively, it is important that you start preparing well before the exam so you have ample time to understand the concepts you are struggling with, and practice enough questions so that you are well-versed in that topic. Moreover, you can take help from online resources as well such as Dot and Line where various math courses and tutors are available to help.
- What are some strategies for managing time during a math exam, and ensuring that I have enough time to complete all the questions?
To ensure that you have enough time, you should first read all the math questions given in the exam. This would help you realize which questions are easy to solve and which are more complex. Once you identify the questions and their category, solve the easier questions first so they are out of the way and then spend the remaining time focusing on more complex questions. Moreover, you should give multiple mock exams and follow the time limit so that you do not struggle on the day of the exam.
- How can I improve my problem-solving skills in math, and apply these skills effectively during an exam?
To improve your problem-solving skills, it is important that you practice the mathematical questions often and in a systematic manner. For instance, by breaking down the question or making diagrams and tables if you find them helpful. In an exam, breaking down the question can help you solve the problem effectively without making you feel anxious about it.
- Are there any resources or tools that can help me to practice and improve my math skills, in preparation for an upcoming exam?
There are many websites available online which provide math courses along with providing highly-skilled and knowledgeable tutors which can help students if they are struggling. Moreover, there are many Youtube videos which explain mathematical concepts in a simple manner. Thus, by researching and trying out different resources, you can select the one which appeals to you the most and take help from them accordingly.