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Wonders of Electricity and Magnetism: A Deep Dive into IGCSE Physics Topic 4

Electricity and Magnetism

Table of Contents

In the context of IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) physics, here are key concepts and definitions for notes and references related to Electricity and Magnetism, topic 4 in the curriculum. 


  1. Current Electricity:
    • Current (I): The flow of electric charge.
    • Unit: Amperes (A).
    • Ohm’s Law:
    • I=VR
    • where
    • I is current, V is voltage, and R is resistance.
  2. Voltage (Potential Difference):
    • Voltage (V): The electric potential energy per unit charge.
    • Unit: Volts (V).
    • Battery: A device that provides a source of voltage.
  3. Resistance:
    • Resistance (R): Opposition to the flow of electric current.
    • Unit: Ohms (Ω).
    • Factors Affecting Resistance: Length, cross-sectional area, material.
  4. Series and Parallel Circuits:
    • Series Circuit: Components connected in a single path.
    • Parallel Circuit: Components connected in multiple paths.
  5. Electrical Power:
    • Power (P): Rate at which electrical energy is transferred.
    • Unit: Watts (W).
    • Formula:
    • P=IV
    • P=IV.


  1. Magnetic Fields:
    • Magnetic Field: Region around a magnet where magnetic forces act.
    • Magnetic Field Lines: Represent the direction and strength of the magnetic field.
  2. Magnetic Materials:
    • Ferromagnetic Materials: Easily magnetized (e.g., iron, steel).
    • Non-magnetic Materials: Do not get magnetized (e.g., wood, plastic).
  3. Magnetic Poles:
    • North and South Poles: Every magnet has a north and south pole; like poles repel, opposite poles attract.
  4. Electromagnetism:
    • Electromagnetic Induction: Generation of an electromotive force (EMF) in a coil due to a changing magnetic field.
    • Fleming’s Right-Hand Rule: Describes the direction of induced current and magnetic field.
  5. Applications:
    • Electric Motors: Convert electrical energy to mechanical energy.
    • Generators: Convert mechanical energy to electrical energy.
    • Transformers: Change voltage levels in AC circuits.
  6. Magnetic Effect of Current:
    • Ampère’s Rule: Describes the magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor.
    • Solenoind: Coil of wire with a current flowing; produces a magnetic field.

Understanding these concepts is fundamental for success in IGCSE physics and provides a foundation for further studies in electricity and magnetism.–magnetism/4-1-simple-phenomena-of-magnetism/4-1-1-magnetism/–magnetism/4-4-electromagnetic-effects/4-4-1-electromagnetic-induction/

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