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Chapter 4: Electrochemistry: A Comprehensive Guide to CIE IGCSE Chemistry

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Embark on a captivating exploration of Electrochemistry in Chapter 4 of the Cambridge International Education (CIE) IGCSE Chemistry curriculum. This chapter unravels the intriguing world of electrolysis, delving into its definition, components of simple electrolytic cells, and the fascinating realm of predicting products in molten states. Traverse the realm of electroplating, a process that enhances the appearance and durability of metal objects, providing insights into practical applications of electrochemical principles. Immerse yourself in the world of hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells, unravelling the components, reactions, and applications of this clean and efficient energy source.


  • Definition: Electrolysis is the decomposition of an ionic compound, either in a molten state or in aqueous solution, by the passage of an electric current. It involves the migration of ions to the electrodes, where they undergo oxidation (at the anode) or reduction (at the cathode), resulting in the discharge of elements or compounds.

Components of Simple Electrolytic Cells:

  • Anode as the Positive Electrode:
    • The anode is the positive electrode where oxidation occurs. Positively charged ions move towards the anode during electrolysis.
  • Cathode as the Negative Electrode:
    • The cathode is the negative electrode where reduction occurs. Negatively charged ions move towards the cathode during electrolysis.
  • Electrolyte as the Substances Undergoing Electrolysis:
    • The electrolyte is the molten or aqueous substance that contains ions and undergoes electrolysis. It may be composed of cations and anions that migrate towards the respective electrodes.

Example: In the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride (NaCl):

  • At the anode:
  • 2Cl−→Cl2 +2e
  • At the cathode:
  • 2Na+ +2e− →2N

Electrolysis | CIE IGCSE Chemistry Revision Notes 2023 | Save My Exams

Understanding the roles of anode, cathode, and electrolyte in simple electrolytic cells is essential for comprehending the process of electrolysis in IGCSE chemistry.

3-Products & Observations of Electrolysis:

(a) Molten Lead(II) Bromide:

  • Products:
    • At the cathode: Lead metal (Pb) is formed:
    • Pb2+ +2e−→Pb
    • At the anode: Bromine gas (Br₂) is formed:
    • 2Br−→Br2+2e−
  • Observations:
    • At the cathode, the lead metal may be seen as a coating.
    • At the anode, reddish-brown bromine gas is evolved.

(b) Concentrated Aqueous Sodium Chloride:

  • Products:
    • At the cathode: Hydrogen gas (H₂) is formed:
    • 2H2O+2e−→H2+2OH−
    • At the anode: Chlorine gas (Cl₂) is formed:
    • 2Cl−→Cl2+2e−
  • Observations:
    • At the cathode, hydrogen gas is evolved, producing effervescence.
    • At the anode, chlorine gas is evolved, and the solution may turn slightly acidic.

(c) Dilute Sulfuric Acid:

  • Products:
    • At the cathode: Hydrogen gas (H₂) is formed:
    • 2H2O+2e−→H2+2OH−
    • At the anode: Oxygen gas (O₂) is formed:
    • 4OH−→2H2O+O2+4e−
  • Observations:
    • At the cathode, hydrogen gas is evolved, producing effervescence.
    • At the anode, oxygen gas is evolved, and the solution may turn slightly acidic.

Products at Electrodes:

  • Cathode:
    • Metals or hydrogen are formed at the cathode depending on the reactivity of the metal ions present.
  • Anode:
    • Non-metals (other than hydrogen) are formed at the anode, such as halogens or oxygen.


  • Electroplating is a process where the surface of one metal is with a layer of a different metal
  • The anode is made from the pure metal you want to coat your object with
  • The cathode is the object to be electroplated
  • The electrolyte is an aqueous solution of a soluble salt of the pure metal at the anode
  • Example: coating a strip of iron metal with tin:

Predicting Products in Molten State:

  • Prediction:
    • In the electrolysis of a binary compound in the molten state, the metal is usually formed at the cathode, and the non-metal is formed at the anode.

Electroplating of Metal Objects:

  • Reason:
    • Metal objects are electroplated to improve their appearance, corrosion resistance, and durability.

Description of Electroplating Process:

  • Steps:
    • The metal object is made of the cathode.
    • A metal salt solution is used as the electrolyte.
    • The metal cations from the electrolyte are reduced and deposited onto the object, creating a thin, even metal coating.

Electroplating (4.2.1) | CIE IGCSE Chemistry Revision Notes 2023 | Save My Exams

Understanding these electrolysis processes and electroplating is important for IGCSE chemistry, providing insights into the practical applications of electrochemical principles.

Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell:

1. Components:

Anode: At the anode, hydrogen gas (H2) is oxidised to produce protons (H+) and electrons (e−):

  • 2H2→4H++4e−

Cathode: At the cathode, oxygen gas (O2) is reduced by combining with protons and electrons to form water:

  • O2+4H++4e−→2H2O

Electrolyte: The electrolyte (often an acidic solution or a polymer electrolyte membrane) allows the migration of ions between the anode and cathode while preventing the direct mixing of hydrogen and oxygen gases.

2. Overall Reaction:

  • The overall reaction in a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell is the combination of the anode and cathode reactions:
  • 2H2+O2→2H2O
  • The chemical energy stored in hydrogen is converted into electrical energy.

3. Working Principle:

  • Anode Reaction: Hydrogen gas is supplied to the anode, where it releases electrons and protons through oxidation.
  • Cathode Reaction: Oxygen gas is supplied to the cathode, where it accepts electrons and protons to form water.
  • Electron Flow: Electrons flow from the anode to the cathode through an external circuit, producing electrical energy.

4. Advantages:

  • Clean Energy: The only byproduct is water, making it an environmentally friendly and clean energy source.
  • Efficiency: Fuel cells can be highly efficient in converting chemical energy into electrical energy.

5. Applications:

  • Transportation: Hydrogen fuel cells are used in vehicles, providing an alternative to traditional combustion engines.
  • Power Generation: Fuel cells can be used to generate electricity for various applications, from small electronic devices to residential and industrial power supply.

6. Considerations:

  • Hydrogen Storage: Storage and transportation of hydrogen can be challenging due to its low density and high flammability.
  • Infrastructure: Widespread adoption of hydrogen fuel cells requires the development of appropriate infrastructure for hydrogen production, distribution, and refuelling.

Understanding the principles, reactions, and applications of hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells is essential for IGCSE chemistry, providing insights into sustainable energy technologies.


Chapter 4 takes you on a journey through the captivating field of Electrochemistry. Begin with a thorough understanding of electrolysis, the process of decomposing ionic compounds through the passage of electric current. Dive into the components of simple electrolytic cells, where anode, cathode, and electrolyte play pivotal roles. Explore the products and observations of electrolysis in various scenarios, from molten lead(II) bromide to concentrated aqueous sodium chloride. Witness the formation of metals, gases, and intricate reactions at the electrodes. Immerse yourself in the art of electroplating, a technique that bestows metal objects with enhanced properties.

Venture further into predicting products in the molten state, deciphering the outcomes of electrolysis for binary compounds. Conclude the chapter by unravelling the mysteries of hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells, discovering their components, working principles, and diverse applications in clean energy. This chapter serves as a gateway to understanding practical applications of electrochemical processes, offering a glimpse into the future of sustainable energy technologies.

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