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Thermal Physics Notes- Physics CIE Exam Notes Topic 2

Thermal Physics Notes- Physics CIE Exam Notes Topic 2

Table of Contents

Dive into the realm of Thermal Physics with this insightful exploration of the kinetic particle model of matter, thermal properties, temperature, and the transfer of thermal energy. Tailored for the Cambridge IGCSE curriculum, this chapter unravels the intricacies of states of matter, changes in state, and the fundamental principles governing thermal behavior. From the solid rigidity to the fluidity of gases, the guide elucidates the kinetic nature of particles and the energy dynamics involved in transitions between states.

It further delves into temperature measurement, thermal expansion, and essential thermal properties, laying the groundwork for understanding energy transfer mechanisms.

Chapter 2 

Thermal physics 

This is a set of definitions and explanations associated with State of matter and changes in states 


  • Shape: Particles are closely packed in a fixed arrangement, leading to a definite shape.
  • Volume: Fixed volume due to the close arrangement of particles.
  • Flow/Compressibility: Solids cannot flow; their particles vibrate in a fixed position and are not compressible.


  • Shape: Particles are close but not rigidly fixed, allowing liquids to take the shape of their container.
  • Volume: Definite volume due to particle density.
  • Flow/Compressibility: Liquids can flow and take the shape of their container but are not compressible.


  • Shape: Particles are widely spaced and move freely, giving gases no definite shape.
  • Volume: No fixed volume; gases expand to fill the container.
  • Flow/Compressibility: Gases can flow easily and are highly compressible due to the large spaces between particles.

Changes of State:

  • Mass: The number of molecules remains constant during state changes; no particles are gained or lost.
  • Energy: Changes in state involve a transfer of energy (heat). For example, energy is absorbed during melting and released during freezing.

Melting & Freezing:

  • Melting: Occurs when a solid gains enough heat energy to break the bonds and transition into a liquid.
  • Freezing: The reverse process, where a liquid loses heat energy and transitions into a solid.

Boiling & Condensing:

  • Boiling (Evaporating): Takes place when a liquid absorbs enough heat to become a gas.
  • Condensing: Occurs when a gas loses heat and transitions back into a liquid.

Understanding these details helps explain the behaviour of matter under different conditions and provides a foundation for various scientific principles and applications.

Thermal properties and temperature 

  1. Heat Capacity (Specific Heat):
    • Definition: The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a substance by a certain amount.
    • High Specific Heat: Substances with high specific heat require more heat to change temperature, making them good heat insulators (e.g., water).
  2. Thermal Conductivity:
    • Definition: The ability of a material to conduct heat.
    • High Thermal Conductivity: Materials that efficiently transfer heat (e.g., metals).
    • Low Thermal Conductivity: Insulating materials that resist heat transfer.
  3. Thermal Expansion:
    • Definition: The tendency of a substance to expand or contract with changes in temperature.
    • Expansion: Most substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.


  1. Definition:
    • Temperature: A measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a substance.
    • Thermal Equilibrium: Objects in contact reach the same temperature, and heat transfer ceases.
  2. Scales:
    • Celsius (°C): Common scale based on water’s freezing and boiling points.
    • Fahrenheit (°F): Widely used in the United States.
    • Kelvin (K): Absolute temperature scale with zero at absolute zero (no negative temperatures).
  3. Effects on Matter:
    • Expansion and Contraction: Temperature changes affect the volume of materials due to thermal expansion.
    • States of Matter: Temperature influences the state transitions between solid, liquid, and gas.
  4. Measuring Temperature:
    • Thermometers: Devices that use the expansion or contraction of substances (e.g., mercury or alcohol) to measure temperature.
    • Thermal Sensors: Modern electronic devices, like thermocouples, measure temperature by detecting changes in electrical properties.

Understanding thermal properties and temperature is crucial in various fields, from designing materials to maintaining controlled environments in science and industry.–temperature/2-2-1-thermal-expansion/

In the above mentioned link you can see the picture form of it too. 

Transfer of Thermal Energy:

  1. Conduction:
    • Mechanism: Heat transfer through direct contact between particles in a material.
    • Materials: Efficient in solids; poor conductors are insulators.
  2. Convection:
    • Mechanism: Heat transfer through the movement of fluids (liquids or gases).
    • Process: Warmer fluid rises, cooler fluid sinks, creating a circulating motion.
  3. Radiation:
    • Mechanism: Heat transfer through electromagnetic waves.
    • No Medium Required: Unlike conduction and convection, radiation can occur in a vacuum.
  4. Specific Examples:
    • Conduction: Touching a metal spoon that has been in hot soup.
    • Convection: Boiling water in a pot, where heated water rises and cooler water sinks.
    • Radiation: Feeling the warmth of the sun on a sunny day.
  5. Applications:
    • Conduction: Cooking on a hot stove, heating with radiators.
    • Convection: Natural processes like ocean currents and atmospheric circulation, as well as heating systems that use air or water.
    • Radiation: Solar heating, infrared heating.
  6. Insulation:
    • Materials: Insulators are used to reduce heat transfer.
    • Examples: Fiberglass, foam, and certain types of clothing materials.
  7. Thermoregulation in Living Organisms:
    • Humans and Animals: Sweat evaporation (cooling), blood circulation (convection), and insulation (clothing) are mechanisms for temperature regulation.

Understanding these modes of thermal energy transfer is essential in various fields, from designing efficient heating and cooling systems to addressing environmental considerations.

For Topic 4 Notes and Definitions on ‘Waves’


In this comprehensive chapter on Thermal Physics, the guide navigates through the distinct states of matter, unraveling the behaviors of solids, liquids, and gases. Emphasizing the kinetic particle model, it explains the changes in states, highlighting the critical role of energy transfer. The exploration extends to thermal properties such as heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and expansion, with a focus on temperature measurement scales.

The guide concludes with an in-depth analysis of thermal energy transfer mechanisms—conduction, convection, and radiation—showcasing their specific examples, applications, and the role of insulation. Essential for students, scientists, and engineers, this chapter provides a foundational understanding crucial for applications ranging from materials design to environmental considerations.

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