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Fundamental Concepts of Motion, Forces, and Energy

Fundamental Concepts of Motion, Forces, and Energy

Table of Contents

Navigating the intricacies of Physics, particularly within the Cambridge syllabus, is essential for exam success. This comprehensive guide delves into the Fundamental Concepts of Motion, forces, and energy, crucial for mastering the Cambridge IGCSE Physics exam. From understanding base and derived quantities to exploring scalar and vector quantities, the article covers key topics such as speed, velocity, Newton’s Laws of Motion, work, energy, power, density, momentum, and pressure, offering valuable insights for effective exam preparation.


This article unravels the core principles of Physics under the Cambridge syllabus, providing a roadmap for successful exam preparation. It delves into the essentials of base and derived quantities, scalar and vector quantities, and the intricacies of speed and velocity. Newton’s Laws of Motion are elucidated, connecting forces with motion. The intertwining concepts of work and energy, as well as the rate of energy transfer—power—are explored. The significance of density in fluid dynamics, the role of momentum in understanding force, and the properties of pressure are dissected. Real-world applications, such as hydraulics and atmospheric pressure, are highlighted to reinforce understanding. 

Ultimately, this guide equips students not only for exam success but also for a profound comprehension of the physical world.


Motion, Forces and Energy

The most basic and fundamental concept in Physics includes the base quantities and derived quantities 

  1. Base Quantities: Base quantities are fundamental physical quantities that are chosen arbitrarily, and other physical quantities are defined in terms of these. Examples: In the International System of Units (SI), base quantities include length (meter), mass (kilogram), time (second), electric current (ampere), temperature (kelvin), amount of substance (mole), and luminous intensity (candela).
  2. Derived Quantities: Defined from Base Quantities: Derived quantities are obtained from combinations of base quantities through multiplication or division. Examples: Speed, which is the ratio of distance (length) to time, or density, which is mass per unit volume.
  3. Unit:
  • Base Units: Base quantities have their own standard units (e.g., meter for length, kilogram for mass).
  • Derived Units: Derived quantities have units derived from combinations of base units (e.g., meter per second for speed, or kilogram per cubic meter for density).

Example: Area (Derived): It is derived from the base quantity length. The unit of area is the square meter (m²)

  1. Scalar Quantities: Magnitude Only: Scalar quantities are characterized solely by their magnitude or size.  Examples: Mass, temperature,time, distance, speed.
  1.  Vector Quantities: means it has magnitude and direction so Vectors have both magnitude and a specific direction. Representation: Often represented by an arrow where the length signifies the magnitude, and the arrow points in that direction. Examples: Velocity, displacement, force, acceleration.

So, Scalar quantities are those that have just the magnitude, meaning, they only tell us about the size or intensity of a quantity while the vector quantities are those which tells us about the magnitude along with the direction of a quantity. 

Distance, Speed and Acceleration 

  1. Distance vs. Displacement: Distance is the total path length, while displacement is the change in position.
  2. Speed:
    1. Scalar Quantity: Speed is a scalar quantity that only considers the magnitude of motion.
    2.  It tells you how fast an object is moving but not in which direction. It is represented by a single positive numerical value.

      Example: If a car is moving at 60 km/h, that’s its speed.
  3. Velocity:
    1.  Velocity is a vector quantity, incorporating both magnitude and direction.It not only tells you how fast an object is moving but also the direction in which it’s moving. Represented by both a numerical value and a direction.

Example: If a car is moving at 60 km/h eastward, that’s its velocity.


Speed (s): s=Distance/Time
Velocity v=Displacement/Time

Example Scenario: If Ali drives around a circular track and returns to his starting point, his speed over the entire trip is nonzero, but your velocity is zero because your displacement is zero, you didn’t move.–energy/1-2-motion/1-2-1-speed–velocity/

Important Questions for CIE Exam Practice

1- Describe the use of rulers and measuring cylinders to find a length or a volume

Answer: Rulers are used to measure length in linear units like centimeters or inches. Measuring cylinders, on the other hand, are used to find the volume of liquids. You fill the cylinder with the substance, and the volume is determined by the level of the liquid.

2- Describe how to measure a variety of time intervals using clocks and digital timers

Answer: To measure time intervals using clocks, simply note the difference between the initial and final times. Digital timers offer precise measurements in seconds or milliseconds, allowing accurate tracking of short durations.

3- Determine an average value for a small distance and for a short interval of time by measuring multiples (including the period of oscillation of a pendulum) 

Answer: For short time intervals, measure the period of oscillation of a pendulum and find the average. Average values provide a more reliable representation of the measurement.

4- Determine an average value for a small distance by measuring it multiple times and calculating the mean. 

v =s/t

5 Define velocity as speed in a given direction

Velocity is defined as speed in a given direction, incorporating both the magnitude and direction of motion.

The equation for average speed is given by: average speed = total distance traveled / total time taken.

Distance–time graphs illustrate an object’s position over time, while speed–time graphs depict its speed changes. Interpretation involves understanding motion patterns.

Qualitatively determine object states from graphs:

  • (a) At rest: Flat line on distance–time graph, zero slope on speed–time.
  • (b) Moving with constant speed: Straight line on distance–time, constant slope on speed–time.
  • (c) Accelerating: Increasing slope on both graphs.
  • (d) Decelerating: Decreasing slope on speed–time.

Answer Recall and use the equation average speed = total distance traveled/total time taken. Then sketch, plot and interpret distance–time and speed–time graphs. Determine, qualitatively, from given data or the shape of a distance–time graph or speed–time graph when an object is:

  • (a) at rest
  • (b) moving with constant speed
  • (c) accelerating
  • (d) decelerating

Calculate speed from the gradient of a straight-line section on a distance–time graph.

See more on distance-time graphs here.

Area under a speed–time graph yields distance for motion with constant speed or acceleration. Determine distance traveled by calculating the area under a speed–time graph for motion with constant speed or acceleration.

The acceleration of free fall, denoted as g near Earth’s surface, is approximately constant at 9.8 m/s².–energy/1-2-motion/1-2-1-speed–velocity/


Forces typically refer to pushes or pulls acting on objects. Key forces include gravity, friction, air resistance, tension, and normal contact force. Understanding these forces is essential for physics studies at the IGCSE level.

  1. Definition: Force is a push or pull that can change an object’s state of motion.
  2. Units: Newton (N) is the SI unit of force.
  3. Contact vs. Non-contact forces:
    • Contact Forces: Result from physical contact between two objects (e.g., friction, tension).
    • Non-Contact Forces: Act at a distance without direct physical contact (e.g., gravity, magnetic, electromagnetic, and nuclear forces ).

4. Newton’s Laws of Motion:

  • 1st Law says that an object at rest stays at rest; an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by a net external force.
  • 2nd Law says that F=ma
  • F=ma means Force is equal to mass times acceleration.
  • 3rd Law: says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Types of Forces:

  1. Gravity: This force pulls objects toward the center of the Earth. Its strength depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them.
  2. Friction: This force opposes the motion of objects in contact. It can be static (at rest) or kinetic (in motion). Different surfaces have varying levels of friction.
  3. Air Resistance: Also known as drag, this force acts opposite to the direction of motion as an object moves through the air. It’s influenced by factors like speed and surface area.
  4. Tension: Tension is the force in a stretched or pulled object, like a rope or cable. It acts along the length of the object and is equal at all points in a massless rope.
  5. Normal Contact Force: This force acts perpendicular to the surfaces in contact. For example, when an object rests on a table, the table exerts an upward normal force.
  6. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces:
  • Balanced Forces: Equal forces acting on an object in opposite directions result in no change in motion.
  • Unbalanced Forces: Unequal forces cause acceleration in the direction of the greater force.

Units and Measurement:

Force Unit: The standard unit of force is the newton (N).

Measurement: Forces are measured using a spring scale or force gauge.


  • Motion: Forces are crucial in understanding the motion of objects.
  • Engineering: Designing structures, vehicles, and machines involves considerations of forces.

Understanding these forces helps analyze the motion and equilibrium of objects


In physics, work is defined as the transfer of energy that occurs when a force is applied to an object, causing it to move in the direction of the force. It is calculated as the product of the force applied to an object and the distance (d) over which the force is applied in the direction of the force. 


  • W=F⋅d⋅cos⁡(θ)
  • W=Fd⋅cos(θ), where
  • θ is the angle between the force and the direction of motion.

Unit of Work:

  • Joule (J): The standard unit of work is the joule, where
  • 1 J=1 N⋅m
  • 1J=1N⋅m.

Conditions for Work:

  • Force and Displacement: For work to be done, there must be a force applied to an object, and the object must move in the direction of the applied no force.

Work and Energy:

  • Transfer of Energy: Work is a means of transferring energy from one system to another. The energy transferred is often in the form of kinetic energy or potential energy.

Positive and Negative Work:

  • Positive Work: Occurs when the force applied and the displacement are in the same direction.
  • Negative Work: Occurs when the force applied and the displacement are in opposite directions.

Zero Work:

  • No Displacement: If there is no displacement (distance is zero), no work is done, even if a force is applied.
  • Perpendicular Forces: If the force is applied perpendicular to the direction of motion, the work is zero.

Work-Energy Theorem:

  • Theorem: The work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy. Mathematically,
  • W=ΔKE
  • WKE.


  • Lifting an Object: When lifting a book against gravity, the force exerted is doing work, increasing the book’s potential energy.
  • Pushing a Car: Pushing a car requires work to overcome friction and move the car.

Understanding the concept of work is fundamental in physics, providing insights into how energy is transferred and transformed in various physical processes.


The capacity to do work or cause a change. It exists in several forms, and its total amount in an isolated system remains constant according to the law of conservation of energy.

  • Forms of Energy:Forms of Energy:
    1. Kinetic Energy: Energy of motion. The energy an object possesses due to its velocity. KE=½ mv^2
    2. Potential Energy: Stored energy that an object has based on its position or state.PE=mgh
    3. Gravitational Potential Energy Elastic Potential Energy. PE=½ kx^2 where k is the spring constant and x is the displacement).
    4. Chemical Energy: Energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules.
    5. Thermal (Heat) Energy: Energy associated with the movement of particles within a substance.
    6. Electrical Energy: Energy associated with the movement of electrons.
    7. Nuclear Energy: Energy released during nuclear reactions.
    8. Light (Radiant) Energy: Energy carried by electromagnetic waves.
    9. Sound Energy: Energy carried by sound waves.
  • Conservation of Energy: In a closed system, the total energy (kinetic + potential) remains constant. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it only changes from one form to another. 
  • Units:
    1. Standard Unit: The standard unit of energy is the joule (J). One joule is equivalent to one newton-meter.
    2. Other Units: In some contexts, kilowatt-hours (kWh) are used for larger amounts of energy, especially in the context of electricity.
  • Work and Energy Relationship:
    1. Work: The transfer of energy that occurs when a force is applied to an object, causing it to move in the direction of the force.
  • Energy Transformations:
    1. Examples: When you eat food, your body transforms the chemical energy in the food into kinetic energy for movement and thermal energy to maintain body temperature.
  • Renewable and Non-renewable Energy:
    1. Renewable: Derived from resources that are naturally replenished (e.g., solar, wind).
    2. Non-renewable: Derived from finite resources (e.g., fossil fuels).

It is important and essential to understand energy which has a great significance in physics and is a key concept in explaining how the physical world works, from the motion of objects to the operation of complex systems and the sustainability of our energy sources.–energy/1-7-energy-work–power/1-7-1-energy-stores–transfers/


Power is the rate at which work is done or the rate at which energy is transferred or converted. Here are key points about power:

  1. Mathematical Definition:
    • Power (P): It is defined as the amount of work done or energy transferred per unit of time. 


  • P=W/t


  • W is the work done, and
  • t is the time taken.
  1. Unit of Power:
    • Watt (W): The standard unit of power is the watt, where
    • 1 W=1 J/s
    • 1W=1J/s.
  1. Relationship with Work and Time:
    • Direct Proportion: Power is directly proportional to both the amount of work done and the rate at which the work is done.
    • Energy Transfer: Power also relates to the rate of energy transfer.
  2. High and Low Power:
    • High Power: A high-power device or system can do a large amount of work in a short time.
    • Low Power: A low-power device or system does work more slowly or transfers energy at a slower rate.
  3. Power and Energy Relationship:
    • Energy and Power Relationship: Power is the rate of energy transfer. Mathematically,
    • P=E/t


  • E is the energy transferred, and
  • t is the time.
  1. Applications:
    • Electrical Devices: The power rating of electrical devices (e.g., light bulbs, appliances) indicates how much electrical energy they consume per unit of time.
    • Engines: The power of an engine is a measure of how quickly it can do work.
  2. Power and Force/Velocity:
    • Force and Velocity Relationship: In the context of forces and velocities, power can be expressed as
    • P=Fv, where
    • F is the force applied, and

v is the velocity.


Density is a physical property that relates the mass of an object to its volume.  It is defined as mass per unit volume. The formula for density is ρ=m/V​


  • ρ is the density
  • m is the mass of the object
  • V is the volume occupied by the object

Density is measured in units such as kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³) or grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³). Objects with higher density have more mass packed into a given volume.

SI Unit: The standard unit of density is kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³).

  1. Relationship with Mass and Volume:
    • Density is directly proportional to mass and inversely proportional to volume.
    •  If the mass increases while the volume remains the same, density increases.
    •  If the volume decreases while the mass remains the same, density increases.
  2. Applications:
    • Buoyancy: Density plays a crucial role in determining whether an object will float or sink in a fluid. An object will float if it is less dense than the fluid it displaces.
    • Material Properties: Density is often used to characterise and classify materials based on their mass and volume.
  3. Density and State of Matter:
    • Solid, Liquid, Gas: Different states of matter have distinct density characteristics. Generally, solids are denser than liquids, and liquids are denser than gases.
  4. Specific Gravity:
    • Specific gravity is a dimensionless quantity that compares the density of a substance to the density of water. If the specific gravity is less than 1, the substance will float in water.
  5. Calculation Example:
    • Example: The density of a substance with a mass of 200 grams and a volume of 50 cubic centimeters is calculated as
    • ρ=200 g/50 cm3=4 g/cm3


  • Oil is less dense than water, so it floats on the surface of water.


It is the product of an object’s mass and its velocity. The formula for momentum is: p=m.v


  • p is the momentum,
  • m is the mass of the object,
  • v is the velocity of the object.

Momentum is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. The unit of momentum is typically kilogram metres per second (kg·m/s).

  • Momentum and Force:
    • Momentum is related to force through Newton’s second law of motion, which states that the force acting on an object is equal to the rate of change of its momentum. Mathematically, this is expressed as
    • F=dp/dt


  • F is force,indirectly
  • p is momentum, and
  • t is time.

Force applied over an area results in pressure, connecting momentum and pressure  through the concept of force distribution.


Pressure is defined as force per unit area The formula for pressure is P=F/A​


  • P is the pressure
  • F is the force applied
  • A is the area over which the force is applied.

The unit of pressure in the International System of Units (SI) is the pascal (Pa), where

  • 1 Pa=1 N/m2
  • 1Pa=1N/m2

Density and Pressure:

  • Density is related to pressure, especially in fluid dynamics. Pressure in a fluid (liquid or gas) is directly influenced by the density of the fluid. The higher the density of a fluid, the greater the pressure it exerts.
  • This relationship is described by the equation:

P=ρ⋅g⋅h where

  • P is pressure,
  • ρ is density,
  • g is gravitational acceleration, and
  • h is the height of the fluid column.–energy/1-9-pressure/1-9-1-pressure–forces

Properties of Pressure 

  1. Pressure in Fluids:
    • Fluids: Pressure is crucial in fluids (liquids and gases) and is transmitted equally in all directions.
    • Hydrostatic Pressure: The pressure exerted by a fluid at rest, due to the weight of the fluid above.
  2. Atmospheric Pressure:
    • Earth’s Atmosphere: The air exerts pressure on everything it comes into contact with, known as atmospheric pressure.
    • Standard Atmospheric Pressure: At sea level, standard atmospheric pressure is approximately 101.3 kPa.
  3. Applications:
    • Hydraulics: Pressure is used in hydraulic systems to transmit force and control motion.
    • Weather Patterns: Differences in air pressure contribute to the formation of weather patterns.
  4. Pressure and Depth:
    • Increased Depth: Pressure in a fluid increases with depth due to the weight of the fluid above.
  5. Pressure and Force Relationship:
    • Direct Proportion: Pressure and force are directly proportional. Increasing force or decreasing area increases pressure, and vice versa.
  6. Pressure in Everyday Life:
    • Sitting on a Chair: When you sit on a chair, your weight is distributed over the area of contact, creating pressure.
    • Puncturing a Balloon: Applying force to a small area increases pressure, leading to a balloon burst. 


In summary, mastering the essentials of motion, forces, and energy in physics is crucial for exam success. Key takeaways include understanding base and derived quantities, recognizing the distinction between scalar and vector quantities, and grasping the principles of speed and velocity. Don’t forget Newton’s Laws of Motion, which explain how forces influence motion.

Work and energy are intertwined concepts, with work being the transfer of energy. Remember the work-energy theorem and the conservation of energy principle. Power is the rate of energy transfer—know its formula and unit.

Density, a measure of mass per unit volume, plays a pivotal role, especially in fluid dynamics. Momentum, a product of mass and velocity, connects with force through Newton’s second law, providing insights into pressure.

In exam preparation, focus on real-world applications and scenarios, such as hydraulics, atmospheric pressure, and everyday situations involving force, work, and pressure. Understanding these principles not only ensures success in physics exams but also lays a solid foundation for comprehending the physical world around us.

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