Day: May 12, 2023

  • 10 Essential Tips for Excelling in Math Exams: Strategies and Techniques

    10 Essential Tips for Excelling in Math Exams: Strategies and Techniques

    Have you ever appeared for a math exam and as soon as you saw the first question, you felt that your heart started beating very fast or that your palms got sweaty? This can be due to various reasons. For instance, feeling anxious because you feel that you haven’t prepared well or maybe you struggle […]

  • 10 Fun and Engaging Maths Games for Kids: Boost Learning and Enjoyment

    10 Fun and Engaging Maths Games for Kids: Boost Learning and Enjoyment

    In your whole academic life, have you ever been bored of the content that you have been taught, simply because of the way it was being taught? Have you ever wished to learn subjects like math in an interactive manner via games or other engaging ways?  Well, it may not have been possible about 20 […]

  • How to Assess Phonics Skills in Students

    How to Assess Phonics Skills in Students

    Do you want to unlock the reading potential of your kindergarten students? Then, assessing their phonics skills is a must! Phonics is the foundation of reading, and a strong understanding of it can set students on the path to reading success. But how can you assess phonics skills effectively? Enter the phonics assessment! This assessment […]

  • Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block in Creative Writing

    Tips for Overcoming Writer’s Block in Creative Writing

    Are you ready to unleash your inner muse and conquer the blank page? Let’s face it, writer’s block can be a formidable foe that stands in the way of your creative aspirations. But fear not, for with a little inspiration and some creative writing exercises, you can banish writer’s block to the netherworlds and reignite […]

  • How to Write Dialogue that Sounds Natural and Engaging

    How to Write Dialogue that Sounds Natural and Engaging

    Welcome to the wild and wonderful world of writing dialogue! As any seasoned author will tell you, crafting compelling conversations is no easy feat. It’s a delicate dance of language, tone, and timing, all wrapped up in a neat little package of punctuation and formatting. But fear not, dear writer, for we have gathered some […]